Musketeer Miniatures range originated last year as an Ireland 1916 range. They are sculpted by Paul Hicks. Recently they have said that they will be expanding the range into a full BEF range and doing Germans as well. So far they have the following available:

So, eight poses of infantry and four of command but no machine guns or artillery.
I think that in many ways these are the nicest BEF figures out there and that is largely because they have more accurate anatomy and proportions than the others. I have a few minor quibbles about the backpacks but the real issue for me is that they are the smallest figures of the ones available. They really don't go together with Renegade or GWM. Also I am not sure that they would ever produce the range of figures you might need. The other ranges can be put together at a push but for me these would look wrong. A shame as I think the animation, character and detail are great.
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